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  • James

Get Over Yourself

There's a certain "quality" that many of my favorite artists seem to share. You could say that these people seem to have gotten over themselves. By this I mean that they seem to play with a sense of carefree abandon, and they don't seem to be struggling with the anxiety and negative self-talk that often causes so many of us to stumble.

The resulting sound is one of fluidity and confidence, almost to the point of not caring. They may play dazzling runs and crazy chords, or they may not. In a good way, they're just over it. In fact, the great irony is that, although I'm usually spellbound and thoroughly impressed during their performances, the performers don't seem to care whether they impress me at all.

How different this is, from the usual inner-dialogue we may often struggle with! So many people think, "I have to show everyone how amazing I am!" Then, they proceed to freeze up on stage (or make major mistakes), and only play to 50% of their potential- if even that much. Sound familiar?

This could get into some deep conversations about "flow states," and "reprogramming your inner-dialogue," and meditation. However, today I thought I'd offer a simple, practical mental exercise that may just help you to get over yourself.

The next time you play something, whether it's a performance or just practice, try this: pretend that the tune you are now going to play is your second tune. That is, pretend you already played something else, and now you're about to begin a second tune. Oh- and in that first tune which (you imagine) you already played, you absolutely killed it. You literally proved everything about yourself that there could be to prove. You left no doubt in anyone's mind as to how amazing you are. Your speed was astounding. Your lines were innovative. The chords and voicings were awesome. Everyone was blown away, and now you literally have nothing left to prove. In other words, you have no need to impress anyone.

So now, in this second tune...well, now you're just playing an encore. No need to top what you did earlier. You've already shown how amazing you are, and now you're just filling some time, playing something else. No pressure at all. Everyone has already been convinced of your awesomeness, including yourself. From here on, it's just about making some beautiful music. If fast runs happen, they happen. If not, no big deal. Remember: everyone already knows how great you are.

Got that mindset?

Now, hold on to that moment.

Really hold on. Put yourself there. You just finished blowing everyone away.

Now. Just. Play.

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